Customer Support

Dain constantly strives and challenges to provide customized products

Product Inquiry

Product Inquiry

Do you have any product to request?
Dainis always ready to be with you.
If you need help or let us know what you are curious about, we will reply quickly.

  • Name *
  • E-mail @
  • Company
  • Phone number *
  • Questions *
  • File
  • Anti-spam *


[Information on the collection and use of personal information.]
When registering for Dain Co.,Ltd inquiries, we collect and use personal information as follows within the minimum range.

1. Items of Personal Information Collected
ο Required : Name, Phone number
ο Selection : E-mail, Company

2. Period of retention and use of personal information
When the purpose of collecting and using users' personal information is achieved, in principle, Dain will destroy it without delay.
However, if it is necessary to preserve it according to the provisions of the relevant laws, the company keeps the member information for a certain period of time as stipulated by the relevant laws and regulations as follows.
ο Preservation Items : Name, Phone number, E-mail, Questions, access log, access IP
ο Preservation method : DB in the website operation server
ο Dain Co., Ltd's Reasons for Retention of Information
가. Fraudulent use records
- Reason for preservation : Prevention of fraudulent use
- Retention period : 1 year

3. Right to refuse consent and restrictions on denial of consent
You have the right to refuse consent to the above, and if you do not agree, you cannot use the services provided on this site, including online inquiry registration.